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李超 (Chao LI, り チョウ)

I am currently an indefinite-term research scientist at RIKEN, working in the Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) alongside Dr. Qibin Zhao since 2021. Additionally, I am an affiliated researcher at the Himeno-Sun Lab at Juntendo University, one of Japan’s leading medical schools. My research spans several interdisciplinary fields, including quantum tensor networks, machine learning (ML), and medical neuroscience, with a primary focus on advancing tensor network methodologies in the ML community. As a scientist, publications might be a critical avenue to evaluate my contribution to the research community. In recent years, my primary work has been featured in top computer science conferences, including ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, CVPR, ECCV, AISTATS, AAAI. I have also collaborated with many outstanding researchers across countries, resulting in co-authored publications in high-impact journals such as IEEE T-PAMI, T-NNLS, T-IP, Neural Networks, and TMLR.

I am always open to discussions, collaborations, and internships. Feel free to reach me out at [at]

News and Updates

  • Jan. 2025:I will attend 7th R-CCS International Symposium on January 23-24, 2025, Kobe, Japan. The theme this time is Fugaku and FugakuNEXT: Classical, Quantum, and AI.
  • Dec. 2024:Thrilled to launch my personal homepage! Thanks to Yuchen for the technical support.
  • Nov. 2024:I have been recognized as a NeurIPS 2024 Top Reviewer. Thanks!
  • Oct. 2024:I’m happy to annoucne that our workhop colorai is accepted by AAAI 2025.

Research Interests

This part is under development—since there are too many (just kidding). You can find my recent publications from Google Schloar

Ongoing Projects

  • 日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B)、題目:Reliable Tensor-Network Fusion Approach to Medical Informatics: Novel Techniques and Benchmarks, 研究代表者、番号: 24K03005)プロジェクト(2024-2027).
  • AMED 脳神経科学統合プログラム (Brain/MINDS 2.0, 個別重点研究課題, 題目:脳の構造と活動データに基づくデジタル脳の機能化と脳アーキテクチャを考慮した深層学習モデルの構築, 研究開発分担者) プロジェクト (2024-2026).
  • 理化学研究所 奨励課題事業(SDGs枠 [10/52]、題目:量子にインスパイアされた機械学習の強化:マルチ代数テンソルネットワークを用いた新しいパラダイム研究代表者)(2024-2025)

As well, I’m involved in RIKEN-Quantum, which supports me to explore interesting topics in quantum machine learning. Many thanks for the support from my PI Qibin.